Connect with residents using your official mobile app, along with web platforms, push notifications, and dynamic translations.
Your very own city app will provide residents a single location to submit requests and accessother city information.
Embed a responsively designed iframe into your city website that enables residents to submit requests seamlessly, receive updates, and browse other requests.
Reach mobile users directly with important events and city alerts.
Enable automatic translation in 17 languages with our One Voice Translation.
Reduce operating costs and make your staff more efficient with a powerful CRM.
Streamline request assignments with automated routing and notifications.
Provide residents a wiki-based library of answers to their most common questions and reduce staff inquiries.
Communicate directly with other staff users and collaborate across departments in one central location.
Leverage data to define priorities and make decisions that improve resident service.
Analyze request trends and departmental performance through fully customizable reports and flexible data visualizations.
View a real-time snapshot of your city’s most important metrics and take immediate action.
Identify problem areas with a heat map. Integrate your GIS data to filter, view, and interact with requests by neighborhood and zone.